Minggu, 17 April 2011

It gets better project

THE PLEDGE: Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are. I pledge to spread this message to my friends, family and neighbors. I'll speak up against hate and intolerance whenever I see it, at school and at work. I'll provide hope for lesbian, gay, bi, trans and other bullied teens by letting them know that "It Gets Better."

Simple sekali, tadigw jalan jalan di salah satu blog favorit gw, dan nemu IT GETS BETTER project :)

lalu gw find di youtube, god..
Obama dukung gw
Artis Artis holywood dukung gw
orang orang penting itu juga :)
mereka mendukung kami

proyek ini dibuat karena banyaknya remaja di US yang bunuh diri akibat menjadi ubjek bullying karena mereka coming out (mengaku gay)

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